Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Codependency and Addiction

Digot of The Day (Session 202):
ORG - Premium% - 5.1758 - Gain - .2773%

I just returned from Houston. We had a wonderful conference presented by Dr. Robert McDonald. He taught us many tools that we can use personally and also share with others. The conference focused on codependency and addiction. Robert has a very different perspective on these two phenomenon. The core of these two problems is this belief:
"If I live fully and well, I will die"

I say it in this way also:
"If I live fully, I may get hurt, and getting hurt might kill me, literally."

The emotional pain of living is what many of us try to avoid. So we go live someone else's life and take care of their problems, which helps us avoid our own. This is codependency. Some of us use chemicals and activities to numb emotional pain. Both have the same purpose.

The goal is to understand that life is full of ups and downs. There will be pain, and death is but a transformation into something else. If you assign a negative meaning to your pain, you will suffer greatly.

I encourage you to ponder these ideas and see if they will answer any questions in your mind.

Robert McDonald's tools go beyond theory, and I can personally say that the ones I have used so far are working great! If you would like to know more, please visit the Telos Center.

Thank you to Robert, his wonderful wife, Luzette, Candy Duncan for organizing the conference, and all of the other wonderful people that I met.

Happy Investing,


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