Thursday, December 01, 2005

DXConcierge Earmarks

Digot of The Day (Session 197):
ARK - Premium - 5.6234% - Price - .9247 - Gain - .0866

Who knows what happened to the gains? They are extremely low.

Like to Travel?

How about beautiful Vanuatu! If you are a Survivor fan, you will know that one of the seasons happened at Vanuatu. This is also the main location for DXInOne. They own the DXGrand Hotel there which is opening up in January, 2006.

DXUsers have always been able to earmark dates to stay at this hotel. It is easy to go to the DXConcierge and search for available dates. Well now, it is also possible to challenge someone else for their earmarked dates.

My own advice to you is to book a few dates for the end of next year. Find a way to pay for this. You will earn credits every EOS session for your booking. Then 30 days or more before your booking dates, cancel it. You will not be charged any fees and will have earned "interest" on your booking.

Read more about the DXConcierge and Earmarking.

If you do not have an account with DXinOne, please go here to sign up for free here.

Happy Investing,


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