Sunday, September 11, 2005

Digot of The Day (Session 117):
VIR - Premium - 4.7511% - Gain - .2268

Welcome to all of our new visitors, and thanks for sending in your questions. Sometimes, the answers require some research, and we are going to answer them as quickly as possible. However, we do need to rest at times, and do like to take Sundays as our QOD day off.

But, before signing off for the day, I would like to say that we are looking for some very exciting times in the near future. The release of TradeBiz is around the corner, and I am so excited to see what it will bring us.

I, for one, am not too worried about all the latest changes, as I see the big picture (what can be seen), and it sure is awesome. Just make sure to get your DXDU down as much as possible. It seems it will be beneficial in ways we haven't seen yet.

If you do not have an account with DXinOne, please go here to sign up for free here.

Happy Investing,


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