Monday, October 17, 2005

Expanded Features on adsXposed

Digot of The Day (Session 153):

FLR - Premium% - 8.9514 - Gain - .2136%

adsXposed Features

DXinOne has given us new features on adsXposed. In News Article 32, DX tells us that we can customize the height (1 to 8 ads) and width (1 to 4 ads) of our stream. We can also customize the format and even request it in an XML stream.

If you are not familiar with adsXposed, it is an advertising medium in which a customer easily sets up their text ad which is very inexpensive at this point. Website owners can place the adsXposed stream on their website, such as I have done on the right.

When a website reader clicks on the ad, two things happen. The ad owner's adsXposed campaign account is deducted by a certain amount. Also, the website owner receives a commission for that click.

If you do not have an account with DXinOne, please go here to sign up for free here.

Happy Investing,


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