Thursday, October 06, 2005

Spammers Beware!

Because the premiums continue to be 8% and higher, we might have to rethink the lower limit of 5%. But, I will wait a few days to see what DX says about this.

I'm working on a way to edit the PDF brochure for Marketing Editors of DXTradebiz. So far, I see the easiest way is to download the free trial version of Acrobat Professional 7. You can use it free for 30 days. I'm not sure how much it costs to use it after that. Use the TouchUp Text Tool to fix any spelling errors and then add your contact information at the bottom. Then save and print! Be sure to have plenty of color ink because the file uses a LOT of color.

I began going to each site I have listed so far and looking up their snail mail addresses. I put the addresses in my address book on my computer. When I am back, I'll simply open Microsoft Word and use the envelope wizard to print the enevelopes. This looks very professional and your clients will take you more seriously!

Just a reminder for you. DO NOT SPAM YOUR CLIENTS! This is very unprofessional and will put a bad light on DX. You are a representative of DX and your behaviors are very crucial to the success of the DXInOne system. Furthermore, your account will be restricted if you are caught doing this.

We'll be heading to Houston this afternoon for a short vacation! My fingers will rest and so will my brain. We are going to hit Astroworld and the Gulf Greyhound Park. We'll be back on Sunday evening and a new post will come out on Monday morning.

Happy Investing,


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