Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Paying the Credit Line

Digot of The Day (Session 147):

NYC - Premium% - 8.9289 - Gain - .2130

That is the lowest premium DXInOne shows this time.

Don't Do it!

Your credit line is composed of all the daily admin fees and premiums you pay for digots. According to DXInOne, it is not necessary to pay down your credit line, as you never have to pay it back. Right, I said never. Unless they change the rules, which is very possible. But, I digress.

Your credit line does affect your DXDebit Available. As the CL goes up, your DXDA goes down. This is why we say to buy low premium digots. The higher premiums cause your CL to go up higher, and your DXDA to go lower. Your funds are better spent buying digots because they grow faster there.

There are some long discussions about this subject on DX4Dummies. If you want to understand all the views and make your own deductions and decisions, this is a great place to go. It is free too! There are no super expensive courses to buy, and a lot of members willing to answer your questions.

If you do not have an account with DXinOne, please go here to sign up for free here.

Happy Investing,


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